大咖云集! IEEE x ATEC科技思享会邀您畅谈网络欺诈的风险与对抗
仲夏至此始,未来皆可期。第一期IEEE x ATEC科技思享会将于2022年6月21日与2022年6月22日在线举办。网友可在“IEEE电气电子工程师”、“雷峰网”、“AI科技评论”的微信视频号以及“ATEC科技社区”的B站号预约观看。
IEEE x ATEC Scitech Webinar will be held online on June21-22,2022. The Webinar will be broadcast live by several Wechat platforms, join us on“IEEE电子电气工程师”,“雷峰网”,“AI科技评论”,or Bilibili platform “ATEC 科技社区” etc.
IEEE x ATEC科技思享会是由专业技术学会IEEE与前沿科技探索社区ATEC联合主办的技术沙龙。邀请行业专家学者分享前沿探索和技术实践,助力数字化发展。
IEEE x ATEC Scitech Webinar is a technology salon jointly sponsored by IEEE,a professional technology institute,and ATEC, a community for advanced technology exploration. Industry experts and scholars are invited to share cutting-edge exploration and technical practices to positively contribute to enhancing life and augmenting human experiences.
In the process of digitalization, with the deepening of network and intelligent services,various risks derived from services, which cannot be ignored. The topic is the Risksand Counter measures of network fraud. Learn from,engage with,and discuss important topics with five experts from different technical fields and observation perspectives.
出品人&演讲嘉宾 | 沈 超
Creator&Guest | Chao Shen
《Global perspective of network fraud risk identification and defense》
分享时间:2022.6.21 20:05-20:35
Time:20:05-20:35,June 21,2022
Under the internet and financial scenarios, artificial intelligence technology is facing huge security threats and challenges. The keynote speech will analyze the security risks encountered by AI models from the model training stage, inference stage, deployment stage and application stage. Professor Chao Shen believes that a full link AI security risk identification and means of defense should be formed, and puts forward the future research trend, which is integrating data and mechanism to form an effective means of network fraud risk identification and defense in the counter environment.
演讲嘉宾 | 王 骞
Guest | Qian Wang
王骞教授是国家海外高层次青年引进人才,JWKJW基础加强计划重点基础研究项目“技术首席专家”。2018年获国家优秀青年科学基金资助。获2018年IEEE TCSC“早期职业杰出研究奖”、2016年IEEE通信协会亚太区“杰出青年研究学者奖”。研究涉及智能系统攻防、无线系统安全、云数据安全与隐私、应用密码学等领域。主持国家基础加强计划重点基础研究项目、装备预研教育部联合基金重点项目、NSFC联合基金重点支持项目、科技创新2030“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题等。发表论文200余篇,CCF A类论文100余篇,总引用超过19000次。获8次国际会议最佳论文奖。担任IEEE TIFS、IEEE TDSC等10多个国际知名期刊编委。
《Intelligent system data security》
分享时间:2022.6.21 20:35-21:05
Professor Qian Wang will analyze the risks and defense problems of intelligent systems from the perspective of “data”. The relevant research results and application experience around the problems of data during training and deployment will be shared, including backdoor attack, sensitive data protection, adversarial attack, sensor deception, legal use of the system, etc.
演讲嘉宾 | 王亦洲
Guest | Yizhou Wang
《Research on active tracking algorithm based on confrontation game》
分享时间:2022.6.22 20:05-20:25
In the process of risk defense of intelligent systems, confrontation game is an important research direction. In the field of computer vision, active tracking is also a cutting-edge research topic, which also has great challenges. For example, it often has stronger motion and tracking ability than tracking the target. Professor Yizhou Wang will introduce specifically a series of research work to improve the tracking level of the tracker through the combination of psychological cognitive mechanism and game theory.
演讲嘉宾 | 张 曼
Guest | Man Zhang
张曼研究员主要研究方向为人工智能、计算机视觉、生物特征识别,主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划等25项国家和省部级科研项目,在IEEE TPAMI,TIP等顶级期刊和会议上发表文章30余篇。曾获“北京市三八红旗奖章”、“北京市科技新星”、“海淀青年榜样”等荣誉称号,现任北京市青联十二届委员、IEEE WIE北京分会主席。
《AI knows who you are-Research on core technology in the field of anti-fraud》
分享时间:2022.6.22 20:25-20:45
In the network fraud scenario, identity authentication is an important part. Also, biometrics is an important means of identity authentication. How to robustly identify multi-source heterogeneous biometric data? How to ensure the security of biometric system in ubiquitous network environment? Professor Man Zhang proposed that different biometric modes have different characteristics and different application scenarios. Then, how to adopt multi-modal fusion to improve recognition accuracy and expand application scenarios will be shared.
演讲嘉宾 | 庄福振
Guest | Fuzhen Zhuang
庄福振教授主要从事机器学习和数据挖掘的相关研究工作。相关研究成果已经在Nature Communications,PIEEE,TKDE,KDD等本领域顶级、重要国际期刊和国际会议上发表录用论文100多篇。承担/参与国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发计划、校企合作项目20多项。2013年获得中国人工智能学会优秀博士学位论文奖,2017入选中国科学院青年创新促进会。
《Application of NN model in financial risk control scenarios》
分享时间:2022.6.22 20:45-21:05
Online payment fraud is another important research topic of network fraud. In the actual industrial scenario, AI model not only improves the accuracy of transaction fraud identification, but also needs to pay attention to the recall rate when the user disturbance rate is low. Professor Fuzhen Zhuang proposes a fraud detection model that analyzes the user event sequence through the neural hierarchy decomposition machine, and models the interaction between fields and the evolution of field value at the same time. And the general interpretable framework of transfer learning, which can take the embedding of modeling user behavior sequence and the multi-layer perceptron model as the basic unit for knowledge transfer between different fields. Relevant research results have been applied to large e-commerce websites in Southeast Asia.
主持人 | 董 晶
Host | Jing Dong
主办方 Organizer
在电气及电子工程、计算机等其他技术领域中,IEEE出版了近三分之一的技术文献,其中包括每年出版的200本期刊和杂志,IEEE Xplore数字图书馆文献已超过500万篇。IEEE每年在全球举办超过1900个会议,会议成为了IEEE会员参与活动的重要形式,丰富和满足了会员的生活。同时,IEEE标准协会已经制定了1000多项现行工业标准,其中包括众所周知的IEEE802有线与无线的网络通信标准和IEEE1394标准,另有900多项标准正在制定过程中。
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE is the trusted voice for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe. IEEE has over 400,000 members in more than 160 countries, including more than 120,000 student members.
IEEE publishes nearly a third of the world’s technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. This includes approximately 200 transactions, journals, and magazines published annually. The IEEE Xplore Digital Library contains more than 5 million documents from IEEE and IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, and active IEEE standards. IEEE sponsors more than 1,900 annual conferences and events worldwide, curating cutting-edge content for all of the technical fields of interest within IEEE. IEEE is a leading developer of international standards that underpin many of today’s telecommunications, information technology, and power-generation products and services. IEEE Standards Association has an active portfolio of nearly 1,076 standards and more than 984 projects under development. This includes the prominent IEEE 802® standards for local, metropolitan, and other area networks, including Ethernet and Wireless LAN (commonly referred to as Wi-Fi®).
Over the decades that followed, the social roles of the technologies under IEEE’s aegis continued to spread across the world and reach into more and more areas of people’s lives.
ATEC(Advanced Technology Exploration Community)前沿科技探索社区是由蚂蚁集团联合多所知名高校共同创立的技术实践发展社区。社区致力于搭建系列产研合作平台,推动创新技术的产业应用研究,支持应用型技术人才培养,传播积极奋进的程序员/工程师文化。
ATEC (Advanced Technology Exploration Community) is a consensus-based society jointly initiated by Ant Group and a number of leading universities for promotion of technology applications and practices. This community is committed to building systematic industry-university-research cooperation platforms, underpinning the industrial application of the innovative research achievements, supporting the cultivation of application-orientated talents, and amplifying the influence of a positive programmer/engineer culture.
With the in-depth cooperation of multiple experts and scholars from a number of well-known universities, ATEC has designed and continuously operated the “ATEC Technology Elite Competition” project. Different from the regular competitions commonly seen in this area, the “ATEC Technology Elite Competition” cares much more about the contestants’ comprehensive problem-solving ability as teams and therefore designs the challenges that are closely related to social value and sets up the storyline and competition environment that reflects the reality as far as possible. Another pioneering work in consistence with the competition is a reality show named “Burn it! Genius Programmer” . It presents a panoramic view of the competition and cooperation, forbearance and counterattack among the young players during the whole process, demonstrates the enterprising spirit and persistence of China’s younger generation of technology practitioners.
In addition to the ATEC technology elite competition, the community actively launches a number of industry-research cooperation projects such as ATEC salons and ATEC training platforms, etc. acting on the purpose of facilitating digital development and carrying further the spirit of “science and technology for social good”.
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Xi’an Jiaotong University
IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group
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