IEEE R10 2022年度机器人大赛Stage 1初赛已近尾声,赛程将进入Section竞赛阶段,遴选出各Section代表团队以参与Stage 2 R10竞赛。

接下来,各Section需完成代表团队Stage 2参赛注册,Stage 2分为3个竞赛类别:

  1. Modeling and Simulations for Robot Development (for undergraduate students)
  2. Robot Development in hardware (for undergraduate students)
  3. Robot Development in hardware (for postgraduate students and young professionals who have graduated not more than 5 years ago)


参赛注册可通过电子邮件形式提交报名表( )或通过扫描下方二维码在线完成。


R10 Robotics Competition 2022 

The R10 Robotics Competition 2022 is now approaching the finish of Stage 1 working period for the participating teams.

It is time for Sections to arrange robotics competition at local level so that the best teams from the Section can advance to the next stage and compete at the Region 10 level.

Sections are now required to evaluate the teams and register them for Stage 2 in the following three competition categories:

  1. Modeling and Simulations for Robot Development (for undergraduate students)
  2. Robot Development in hardware (for undergraduate students)
  3. Robot Development in hardware (for postgraduate students and young professionals who have graduated not more than 5 years ago).

IEEE Sections can nominate two teams for each category and must register them with R10 by 30 June 2022.

Team registrations can be done by downloading and emailing the filled registration form ( or filling an online form using the QR code below.